═══ 1. Readme First ═══ NmFwd Readme First ═══ 1.1. Files in the archive ═══ Files in the original archive: Readme.1st This file File_Id.Diz The standard description NmFwd.Exe The executable program NmFwd.Cfg The sample configuration file Fman.Hlp The File Manager Help File AFHelp.Txt Example for Areafix help Echo.Lst Example for Areafix list NmFwd.Inf The Inf documentation NmFwd.Doc The ASCII documentation Whatsnew.Txt Fixes and additions License.Doc The License Register.Doc The Registration Docs Register.For The Registration Form BmtMicro.For The BMT Micro registration form PsL.Crd The PsL Credit Card registration form supplement NmFwd.Ico An Icon for NmFwd NmFwd2.Ico An alternative Icon. Dos Only Dos4Gw.Exe Dos Extender (major releases only) If you have a maintenance release of the program, the dos extender will not be included, to avoid unnecessary distribution costs. Note: The Icons are kindly made available by Andrea Vavassori of 2:331/219. The OS/2 Inf manual is provided with other versions too, since there are INF viewers under Dos. For example, the very nice viewer by Damir Ujcic: VIEW01.ZIP, available for F/R from 2:332/504@fidonet: it contains a text mode viewer in both OS/2 and Dos versions. ═══ 1.2. Whatsnew ═══ Whatsnew If you are using an older version of the program, please read WhatsNew.Txt before using this version. ═══ 1.3. How to contact the author ═══ How to contact the author If you have suggestions, bug reports, observations about the docs, please feel free to contact me at the following addresses: Alberto Pasquale of 2:332/504@fidonet alberto.pasquale@interbusiness.it 2:332/504@fidonet +39-59-246112 X75 V120 V34+ VFC V32T H16 2:332/524@fidonet +39-59-246113 X75 FAX-G3 Alberto Pasquale, Viale Verdi 106, 41100 Modena, Italy IMPORTANT: if you call crash and require an answer, please state whether you want it routed (might not be reliable) or ON HOLD (in which case an answer should be available in 48h maximum, apart from the holiday periods). ═══ 1.4. Support ECHO ═══ Support ECHO I am originating an international support echo for all my programs. If you are interested, please ask your echo feeder to find a suitable link for the APWORKS area. In addition, I regularly read the international OS2BBS echo. ═══ 1.5. TIC distribution ═══ TIC distribution All my BBS related programs are distributed via a TIC file area. If you want to join, please ask your file feeder to find a suitable link for the APBBS (OS/2), APBBSDOS (Dos), APBBSWIN (WIN/NT) areas. Public Beta versions are distributed without restrictions in APBBSBETA. There are also APTOOLS for 3rd party tools related to APWORKS programs and APWORKSG for German documentation by Roland Schiradin. ═══ 1.6. APWorks Programs and Support Areas ═══ Where to look for APWorks Programs and Support Areas In North America the APWORKS support echo should be easily available, since it is on the Zone 1 backbone. The following systems carry the ApWorks echo and file areas: Author's APWORKS Alberto Pasquale, Modena, Italy alberto.pasquale@interbusiness.it 2:332/504@fidonet +39-59-246112 X75 V120 V34+ VFC V32T H16 2:332/524@fidonet +39-59-246113 X75 FAX-G3 File requests could be declined between 23:00 and 06:00 GMT. Request APFILES for a (short) list of APWORKS files only. Europe ApWorks_Germany Roland Schiradin, Eltville, Germany schiradi@tap.de 2:2454/169@fidonet Cyberia/2 Harald Kamm, Bamberg, Germany 2:2490/3045@fidonet Air Applewood Vince Coen, Roydon, Harlow, Essex, United Kingdom 2:257/609@fidonet North America COMM Port OS/2 Bob Juge, Sugar Land, TX, USA bob@juge.com 1:106/2000@fidonet Common Sense Mike Burgett, Newark, CA, USA burgett@cmnsens.zoom.com 1:215/705@fidonet Eclectic Lab 1 Mary-Anne Wise, New Westminster, BC, Canada 1:153/831@fidonet Filebone: MaxFDN Available via Planet Connect, PageSat, Filebone, paonline ftphub and the Filegate Project. Australia Tardis BBS Malcolm Miles, North Balwyn, VIC, Australia 3:633/260@fidonet ═══ 1.6.1. File Areas on the Internet ═══ File Areas on the Internet USA ftp.juge.com cmnsens.zoom.com /pub/apworks/bbs /pub/apworks/bbsdos /pub/apworks/bbswin /pub/apworks/tools /pub/apworks/beta ftp.oeonline.com /pub/Maximus ftp.bmtmicro.com /bmtmicro Only the public release versions of programs that can be registered via Bmt Micro. ═══ 1.7. Latest Versions ═══ How to Request the Latest Version of APWORKS Programs The following magics are honoured by APWORKS and some of the support sites: Magic Name Description APFILES ApFiles.Lst List of Programs by Alberto Pasquale FASTLST FLST???.RAR OS/2 The ultimate v7 Nodelist processor. Fully automated processing and maintenance, no need for clumsy batch files. Can report to Squish or *.MSG areas, multitasking friendly, many options. FASTLSTD FLSTD???.RAR DOS FASTLSTW FLSTW???.RAR NT FASTLSTG German Docs by Roland Schiradin Available on 2:2454/169 NEF NEF???.RAR OS/2 TIC file distribution and announcement for Binkley-style outbound and *.MSG or Squish message base, file-Areafix included with FileBone support, full multitasking aware (BSY, file sharing etc.), exceptionally flexible Multi-Aka support. NEFD NEFD???.RAR DOS 32 bit only, w DOS4GW extender. NEFW NEFW???.RAR NT NEFG German Docs by Roland Schiradin Available on 2:2454/169 FLM FLM???.RAR OS/2 File List Manager for Maximus, very flexible way of compiling many different lists at a time. Internal file base support (no need for FBP). FLMD FLMD???.RAR DOS 32 bit only, w DOS4GW extender. FLMW FLMW???.RAR NT NMFW NMFW???.RAR OS/2 Multi-Robot: netmail forward to Sysop's point, Maximus user and file management via netmail messages, areafix for squish, point routing to their boss if no phone number for them in the nodelist, etc. NMFWD NMFWD???.RAR DOS 32 bit only, w DOS4GW extender. NMFWW NMFWW???.RAR NT QFB QFB???.RAR OS/2 Substitute for FBP.EXE Generates a separate file-request index with no duplicates. QFBD QFBD???.RAR DOS 32 bit only, w DOS4GW extender QFBW QFBW???.RAR NT QFBG German Docs by Roland Schiradin Available on 2:2454/169 SQPRV SQPV???.RAR OS/2 Local area (private/public) forward to points for Squish. The (Co)SysOp points can receive the whole area. SQPRVD SQPVD???.RAR DOS ----- SQFM110.RAR OS/2 Allows to change the "from address" of PKTs before they are compressed. To be used with Squish. For example, it is useful to Hub coordinators who want to continue processing mail with their primary address for current links while processing with the administrative address for their uplink BackBone. FreeWare. ----- SQFMW110.RAR NT ----- HBRT110.RAR OS/2 Useful to coordinators (above HCs) that use Squish. Automatically updates the Hub definitions in ROUTE.CFG taking the data from a V7 nodelist. ----- HBRTD110.RAR DOS ----- HBRTW110.RAR NT ----- SqSetAll.Rar OS/2 Sets renum limits in all Squish Areas taking the parameters from Squish.Cfg. ----- SqSetDos.Rar DOS Dos version. ----- AdjFDate.Rar OS/2 Changes by +-N days the File Date. Can choose between Creation and Modification dates on HPFS. Show and Touch options. ----- AdjF_Dos.Rar DOS Changes by +-N days the File Date. Current versions (Mar 24th 1997): NEF 2.38, FastLst 1.36, FLM 1.40, NMFWD 2.07, QFB 1.10, SQPrv 1.04. ═══ 1.8. Bug Reports ═══ Bug Reports If you find out a real bug, I will do my best to fix it and make the new version available in a few days. To do that, I need your cooperation: when you find a strange behaviour, double check your configuration and the manual to be really sure it's not your fault, then study the conditions in which the bug appears and, in the end, send me your detailed report about the bug together with your config file and all the stuff necessary to replicate the problem. I can fix a bug only if I am enabled to reproduce it ! ═══ 1.9. Wish List ═══ Wish List To help me provide a better and better program, please let me know your problems and your wishes about future versions. Please let me know your opinion: Alberto Pasquale 2:332/504@fidonet alberto.pasquale@interbusiness.it BBS: +39-59-246112 X75 V120 V34+ VFC V32T H16 BBS/FAX: +39-59-246113 X75 FAX-G3 Viale Verdi 106 41100 Modena Italy ═══ 2. Whatsnew ═══ NmFwd Changes and Additions ═══ 2.1. 2.07 ═══ 2.07 Public Release, March 25 1997 - Areafix can now accept "+ " and "- " instead of "+" and "-". - Fixed problem with Rescan in case of "+ ". ═══ 2.2. 2.06 ═══ 2.06 Public Release, February 10 1997 - ATTENTION: Not a drop-in replacement for previous versions ! The "AFProt []" statement now accepts wildcards in the "OS/2 way" (the '*' can be before, in the middle or after a string token). E.G.: AfProt *SYSOP* 500 AfProt OS2* 0 2 AfProt * 0 The first matching entry is used; if no match is possible, the area is considered inaccessible. If you like to give free access by default, please don't forget to use "AfProt * 0" as the last entry. The "AfDefProt" statement has been dropped. - Undeliverable messages addressed to points of one's own system were trapped but nonetheless forwarded to the non-existing point. Fixed. - NT version reported "DOS", fixed. ═══ 2.3. 2.05 ═══ 2.05 Public Release, June 18 1996 - Fixed problem with V7 semaphores that caused access violation. ═══ 2.4. 2.04 ═══ 2.04 Very short lived, June 18 1996 - Robot answers are not forwarded to the specified list of points when the applicable primary address is a point. - OS/2: New option to configure the type of date (Creation or LastWrite) to be used for deleting old files in the temporary directory: Tmp_Fa_Kill [Creation|Write] The default is Creation. Example: Tmp_Fa_Kill 10 Creation - Semaphore implemented on V7 nodelist files, as per FastLst specifications. New errorlevel 11 on semaphore timeout. - New Icon by Andrea Vavassori. ═══ 2.5. 2.03 ═══ 2.03 Public release, March 22 1996 - Multi-Line files.bbs descriptions are now supported. To enable this feature the way you like, please use the "MultiLineDesc []" statement, specifying the continuation column and character. For example, to have the 2nd and following description lines in files.bbs preceded by 31 spaces, use: MultiLineDesc 31 To have the continuation lines preceded by a '|' character, use: MultiLineDesc 29 | - A multi-line description accounts for ONE line in the file manager commands. - New statement: UniqueDmpLine. Makes NmFwd generate FILES.DMP filebase files with descriptions on one line only (multiple lines are concatenated). By default, NmFwd outputs multi-line descriptions without changes to FILES.DMP: when using L)ocate and N)ewfiles commands, Maximus will respect the original formatting, but the continuation lines will be aligned to the left. When this statement is used, the original formatting of descriptions is lost (in the filebase) but Maximus will be able to word-wrap and align when executing L)ocate or N)ewfiles commands. - ListDate format (date and size of files reported in files.bbs) and the various date styles (Usa, Euro, Japan) are now supported. - New -H "subject" switch for areafix, to get help. - New "AfHelpFile " statement for specifying a help file for areafix. - New %Query %List %Rescan %Help commands available for the body of messages addressed to areafix, with the same meaning of the corresponding -q -l -r -h switches in the subject. - Now the areafix add command can optionally include a '+' character; the following commands are equivalent: APWORKS +APWORKS - OS/2: Fixed problems with areafix rescans for echotags containing special OS/2 characters (e.g. the & command separator). When the command interpreter must be loaded, the parameters are passed between quotes. ═══ 2.6. 2.02 ═══ 2.02 - The default zone for messages read from *.MSG netmail areas (not containing a ^AINTL kludge) is now the zone of the primary address for THAT netmail area. Previously the (global) primary address was used for zone assumptions in any netmail area. ═══ 2.7. 2.01 ═══ 2.01 - Areafix bugfix: when adding a node to an area with NO links, a Carriage Return was erroneously added between the area definition and the added link. This problem is not very likely to happen on "normal" areas since at least the feed is usually present. Anyway it might create problems in the case of "local" echomails that are created without any link. This is a very old bug that has unfortunately not been reported until the release of v 2.00. ═══ 2.8. 2.00 ═══ 2.00 - Conversion of FileManager and UserManager to Maximus 3.xx. - WARNING: this version DOES NOT work with Maximus 2.xx. - WARNING: this version is NOT a drop-in replacement for v. 1.90: you MUST read the following points in this whatsnew and make the required modifications in nmfwd.cfg. - The "MaxPrm " statement MUST be moved from the "FileManager" section to the "System" one. - If the "MAXIMUS" environment variable is defined, the "MaxPrm " statement is optional and works as an override. - New errorlevel 9 for errors accessing the Maximus PRM file (usually Max.Prm). FileManager: - New syntax for RFAccess and RFDefAccess: RFAccess [] RFDefAccess [] Where: is the password to be used (as the subject of a netmail message) for accessing the filemanager with privilege. is a [/] access string that specifies the level and keys available to the person who uses . can be any level "name" defined in the Maximus Access.Ctl as well as a level number. is a list of points that must receive the answers of the FileManager. E.g. RFAccess SysOpPwd SysOp/U 0 2 Specifies that the password "SysOpPwd" grants the "SysOp/U" access and the answers must be written to the local netmail ('0') and sent to point 2 ('2'). Please note that for security reasons the answers are sent to ONLY, even if the original message was from another node. RFDefAccess Normal 0 Specifies that people addressing the FileManager with no valid password receive "Normal" access and the answers must be written to the local netmail (besides being sent to the addressee). - New syntax for all the statements that define the access requirements for the FileManager commands: [] where: is the name of a FileManager command is the Maximus access string required to use is a list of areas that can contain wildcards ("OS/2 style") and defaults to "*" (all areas). When a command is issued, the FileManager checks the list of statements that define the access rights from the bottom up (last to first). The first match between the current area name and determines the requirements for executing the requested command in the current area. E.g. Kill SysOp|AsstSysOp/U Kill SysOp private.* Specifies that the Kill command requires SysOp or AsstSysOp/U privilege in all areas but private.*, which are reserved to SysOp only. KillTo SysOp KillTo AsstSysOp/U msdos.* win.* Specifies that the KillTo command requires AsstSysOp/U privilege in msdos.* and win.* areas, SysOp in all the others. - New FileManager cfg statement: SysOpCommands [] It defines access requirements for all the following commands: Hurl, Kill, KillTo, Edit, Ren, Touch, DelAft, AddAft, SortAft. After "SysOpCommands" you can use the single statements as overrides. E.g.: SysOpCommands AsstSysOp SysOpCommands AsstSysOp/u local.1!* KillTo AsstSysOp/u Specifies that the "SysOp" commands require a password that grants AsstSysOp privilege. The "local.1!*" areas and the "KillTo" command require the 'u' key also. - The DIR filemanager command accepts s with "OS/2 style" wildcards if run with filebase support, otherwise it accepts the wildcards allowed by the OS. OS/2 - The Touch command and all the FileManager functions use the Maximus 3.xx convention for the file dates on HPFS. The modification date is shown in reports (just as with the OS/2 DIR command), the creation one is used as the "upload date" to compute the "age" of files. Thus the output of a "newfiles 10" command could show files with dates much older than 10 days, provided they have been uploaded (or touched) during the last 10 days. UserManager: - New syntax for the RemUser statement: RemUser [] where: is the UserManager robot name to which netmail messages must be addressed. is the password to use in the subject field of the netmail. is the list of points that must receive the answers. E.g.: RemUser Raiser SysOpPwd 0 2 Specifies that a Remote UserManager robot named "Raiser" can be addressed using the "SysOpPwd" password in the subject of the netmail and the answers must be written to the local netmail base ('0') and sent to point 2 ('2'). - The "MaxLev " statement can take for argument any level name defined in Maximus access.ctl or a level number. - New method for selecting classes of users in the UserManager commands: you can specify any Maximus 3.xx access string between brackets. E.g. (Extra|Normal/EFP)=list This command (in a message addressed to the UserManager robot) requests a list of users that have at least the "Extra" privilege or the "Normal" one together with the E,F,P keys. - New syntax for changing the privilege level of users: the "Level" keyword must be specified before the level name or number. E.g. John Doe = Level Extra - Encrypted passwords are reported as "". - If you set a password with the "Password" UserManager command and Maximus is configured to use encrypted passwords, the new password will be encrypted the next time maximus accesses the user record. - New command "RIP " to set/reset the RIP flags. - New commands to change the number of files uploaded/downloaded. DownFiles <[+|-]n> UpFiles <[+|-]n> sets the total number of files downloaded/uploaded, optional +|- to add|subtract to|from the total. - New commands to change the Points Allocated/Used: CreditPoints <[+|-]n> DebitPoints <[+|-]n> sets the user allocated/used points, optional +|- to add|subtract to|from the total. - <#>.bbs is not reported as a Custom Welcom File any more, since Maximus 3.xx seems not to use them. Fixes: - The SortAft FileManager command did not recognize the "" keyword, fixed. - Undeliverable (trapped by RTS) crash message to a point (BossRoute) was output to temporary outbound anyway, fixed. Others: - New mutual exclusive semaphore flag "FileBase.Bsy" used to avoid concurrent access and modification of the filebase by other ApWorks programs. There is no need to delete this flag if it is not deleted after a power failure or abnormal termination (ApWorks programs are smart enough to realize whether the flag is really in use or not). - NmFwd recognizes SqPrv areas (SqPrv is another program of mine) and does NOT allow rescanning. - The Return To Sender robot (RTS) now checks that the points of the local Boss are present in the V7 nodelist: it returns to the sender the messages that are addressed to non-existent points and adds a warning to messages that come from non-defined points. Usually the points of the local boss are already present in the nodelist since they must have a session password; in the case you have points without a password, you must include them in some local nodelist anyway. - Be aware that RTS does NOT check the existence of a point when applying the "name remapping" configured with the "Remap" statement in NmFwd.Cfg or Squish.Cfg. - After writing many messages to the temporary squish outbound, it is possible (especially on fast machines) that NmFwd waits a few seconds before exiting ("Waiting secs." is reported). This is necessary to avoid routing errors if Squish is run just after NmFwd. The same thing happens before invoking Squish internally due to a Areafix-Rescan command. - The UpFa statements have no more limits on name and dir lenght. - New Icon, gift of Andrea Vavassori. Support: - New registration sites for USA and Denmark/Sweden/Norway: see register.doc. - New support sites in USA: Thanks to Bob Juge my file areas and support echo are available in the USA from 1:106/2000@fidonet, accessible via Vmodem at The files can be found also on ftp.juge.com. Dave Reed of 1:138/135@fidonet (dreed@wolfenet.com) is also linked to my areas and is willing to actively support ApWorks programs. Thanks to everybody. - New APWORKS phone numbers and ISDN line: 2:332/504@fidonet +39-59-246112 ISDNC V34+ 2:332/524@fidonet +39-59-246113 ISDNC V34 FAX - New Internet address for contacting the author: alberto.pasquale@mo.nettuno.it ═══ 2.9. 1.90 ═══ 1.90 - 16 bit Dos version not available anymore. - 32 bit version available both for OS/2 and Dos (With Dos4GW extender). - Multiple netmail areas (with different primary addresses) are now fully supported, as per Squish 1.10. - Multiple "Nodelist" statements allowed. - FileBase automatic update (file areas changed by FMAN commands are automatically recompiled if the "UseFb" statement is used). - The buffer for the netmail messages now defaults to 32000 bytes; the "FwdMsgSize " statement allows to specify a larger size if you like. - The buffer for answer messages (from the various robots) defaults to 7000 bytes; the "MsgSize " statements allows to specify a larger size if you like. - Rescan now available: use "-r" switch on the subject line of the message addressed to areafix, just as "-q" and "-l". - The new statement "RescanCmd " allows to specify the command to be executed for rescanning an area. takes two arguments: %t for the area TAG and %n for the node address. Example: RescanCmd sq386p -l rescan %t %n Note: the -l switch allows to keep the scanned stuff in the temporary outbound. - The "BeforeRescan " and "AfterRescan " statements allow to specify commands to be executed before the first rescan and after the last one. They can be useful if you use different routing schedules for netmail and echomail: in the mail-processing batch you will have a netmail routing command after NmFwd while you need an echomail one in the case of rescans. Example: BeforeRescan sq386p squash -o -sNet AfterRescan sq386p squash -o -sEcho - New command line switch "-l" to override the logfile. - Now the logfile is opened as soon as the first specification is encountered, so, if you want to override the "LogFile" statement of squish.cfg in nmfwd.cfg, you must add a "LogFile" statement _before_ "SquishCfg" and not after as it was with previous versions. The "-l" command line switch acts as a global override. - New config file statement "MarkReceived" to mark as received the messages read by the various robots, instead of deleting them. - New config statement "WrapDesc [ []]" to word wrap and indent the file descriptions reported by fman. is the number of blank columns for all the lines from the 2nd up, is the right margin (the maximum number of characters in a line, including the heading blank). - The point remapping based on name now leaves the zone:net/node part of the to-address alone (previously it was changed to the primary address). If you have multiple addresses where your points can be reached, plase make sure to set the route accordingly. - The Cont command now recognize RAR OS/2 extended attributes. - Modified message kill logic: when NmFwd sends a message, it kills it if: - it is marked as "Kill/Sent" - it is "in transit" and KillInTransit is active in Squish.cfg or NmFwd.cfg. Previously all the sent messages were killed (even local ones) if "KillInTransit" was active and none were killed (even Kill/Sent) if KillInTransit was disabled. - NmFwd should now realize when the squish netmail area has been changed by SqFix and rescan it completely (if you use the FwdAll/FwdLoc/FwdBbs feature, during this rescan the messages addressed to the boss are forwarded again). - NmFwd is now able to work with no files.dat/dmp/idx even if you specify "UseFb". This way it is compatible with the filebase generated by QFB when you do not specify "FileList" in your maximus cfg for CD-ROM or other read-only areas. - OS/2: The filemanager file specifications should now be consistent with the OS/2 conventions for wildcards. - The file names are not converted to uppercase anymore, to be consistent with OS/2 case preservation. - Since the '-' is a legal character for file names, NmFwd does NOT consider it anymore as the start of a FILES.BBS comment. Please, do not use the dash character '-' in the first column of files.bbs ! ═══ 2.10. 1.74 ═══ 1.74 - This is not really a bug fix: it's a new feature that avoids a problem that can arise in Squish areas with programs that do not fully comply with FTS. If a message is written without the terminating NULL in a squish format base, the Squish MsgApi do not add the terminating NULL when reading it (instead they do in a *.MSG area), thus NmFwd did not see the end of the message body and appended some garbage present in the message buffer (usually text from previous longer messages). ═══ 2.11. 1.73 ═══ 1.73 - Bug fix: when using akas with 4D point addresses together with the "BossFix" keyword, the messages addressed to the point aka were forwarded to the primary address. ═══ 2.12. 1.72 ═══ 1.72 - Bug fix: when using akas with 4D point addresses together with normal .0 addresses, there were problems dealing with other points of the same Boss. ═══ 2.13. 1.71 ═══ 1.71 - Fixed bug that could sometime cause files in Tmp_Fa to be killed before they should be. - New registration routine to show month and year of registration. Keys sent before 1/94 will show "91-93". - Fixed little bug in nodelist V7 search function that could in rare cases cause some nodes not to be found. - Fixed bug when forwarding messages from Squish Base: they did not have the FTSC text date-time. ═══ 2.14. 1.70 ═══ 1.70 - Added KillTo command to FMAN (see FMAN.HLP) ═══ 2.15. 1.69 ═══ 1.69 - Default "Fido" (00) product code changed to the just assigned 0xFA NmFwd product code in PKT headers. ═══ 2.16. 1.68 ═══ 1.68 - Added support for Squish 1.01 multiple outbound dirs. ═══ 2.17. 1.67 ═══ 1.67 - Added new "Deflating" Zip method to Fman ═══ 2.18. 1.66 ═══ 1.66 - Fixed bug that caused unpredictable results when typing text files with over 500 chars line lenght. ═══ 2.19. 1.65 ═══ 1.65 - New BossFix verb, to fix the Squish 1.01 bug in routing points to their Boss when using 4D and packet passwords. ═══ 2.20. 1.64 ═══ 1.64 - New BossEnable verb, to allow 4D points to send netmail with the Boss address (.0). ═══ 2.21. 1.63 ═══ 1.63 - 3DPoint no more necessary when using Squish in 3D mode - New BossRoute verb, to route-to-boss crash/direct messages addressed to points that are not found in nodelist or have a null phone number. (4D mode only) ═══ 2.22. 1.62 ═══ 1.62 - When using a *.MSG netmail, some remapped messages from points lost some characters at the beginning of the message text due to different behaviour of MSGAPI on *.MSG and Squish message-base. Fixed. - MSGID added to NmFwd response messages. - The response to a message from your system was marked Kill/Sent, so that it could erroneously be remapped to one of your points, if its sysop sent the message from the BBS. Fixed: now it is marked SENT. ═══ 2.23. 1.61 ═══ 1.61 - Multiple F/As that needed file moving where not correctly handled under ver 1.60: only the first file was moved; Fixed. - Some FileManager commands appended an extra empty line after moved descriptions; Fixed. ═══ 2.24. 1.60 ═══ 1.60 - RTS functions. - Return Receipt generation on request. - Full support for mixed 3D and 4D configurations. - Fixed Bug in areafix when deleting last link (area remains with no links). - Added Squish Base support. - Added Point Remapping based on name and direct packet (*.?ut) generation to allow use of 3D and 4D points at the same time. - Some new and some obsoleted verbs in the .cfg. - Filemanager now uses AREA.NDX to list areas in the same order as Maximus. ═══ 2.25. 1.50 ═══ 1.50 - Areafix for Squish. ═══ 2.26. 1.40 ═══ 1.40 - User & File management sections converted to Max 2.0. ═══ 2.27. 1.xx ═══ 1.xx - Opus 1.1x versions ═══ 3. Copyright ═══ ************************************************************** * * * * * ** ** ** ** ******* ** ** ***** * * *** ** *** *** ** * ** ** ** ** * * **** ** ******* ** * ** ** ** ** * * ** **** ******* **** ** * ** ** ** * * ** *** ** * ** ** * ******* ** ** * * ** ** ** ** ** *** *** ** ** * * ** ** ** ** **** * * ***** * * * * * * Version 2.07 * * * * A powerful Multi-Robot for Maximus/Squish * * * * * ************************************************************** * * * (C) Copyright 1991-1997 Alberto Pasquale * * * * A L L R I G H T S R E S E R V E D * * * ************************************************************** "Maximus" and "Squish" are trademarks of Lanius Corporation NmFwd 2.07 User's Manual, by Alberto Pasquale ═══ 4. Introduction ═══ INTRODUCTION -> For licensing information, please see License.Doc. Thanks for evaluating NmFwd: a multi-robot for Maximus/Squish. ═══ 4.1. Main Features ═══ Main Features - To be used with Squish mail processor and Maximus 3.xx CBCS (Trademarks of Lanius Corporation). A BinkleyTerm style outbound is required for some features. - Works on *.MSG or SQUISH netmail area. - Total or partial forward of NetMail area to (Co)SysOp's point. - Selective Flag (Crash, Direct) Stripping. - 3D and 4D point handling (even mixed). - Boss Routing capability to BossRoute all the crash and direct messages addressed to points that are not found in your V7 nodelist or have a null phone number. - Point Remapping based on To-Name. - FileAttach forwarding between points in a dedicated directory, with optional automatic file-killing after configured time. - Automatic Upload for Points via NetMail Robot. - Complete User Management functions via NetMail Robot (Max 3.xx). - Complete File Management functions via NetMail Robot (Max 3.xx), with flexible privilege and keys handling. - Automatic (internal) filebase update. - Areafix functions for Squish.Cfg. - Return To Sender functions to stop messages addressed to unlisted nodes and routed echomail (based on V7 nodelist). - Support for the V7 .BSY semaphore, as per FastLst specs. - Return Receipt generation for messages that have the RRQ flag set or the "*RR*" string in their subject (standard proposed by Alex Palmese of 2:335/317). ═══ 4.2. Credits ═══ CREDITS "BinkleyTerm" is a trademark of Bit Bucket Software Co. This program uses the Squish "MsgAPI" code, Copyright 1991-1994 by Lanius Corporation. "Squish" and "Maximus" are trademarks of Lanius Corporation. ═══ 4.3. Overall Operation ═══ OVERALL OPERATION To speed up netmail scanning, NmFwd scans only new messages. To accomplish this, it uses an advanced algorithm for *.MSG (the necessary information is stored in the NMFWDDIR.DAT located in the related directory) and the UID (Unique ID) for the Squish base (stored in the .NFD file). In the case you change a message after it has been processed (Squish base), it will not be rescanned. So, if you want it processed, you must copy then change, not simply change the message. All the messages addressed to your points are directly packed to *.?ut in the OUTBOUND.SQ by NmFwd. This is necessary to allow correct operations of the Netmail Forwarding functions in a mixed 3D-4D environment and for the BossRoute option. ═══ 4.3.1. Flags Handling ═══ FLAGS HANDLING If the original message has one of the following flags (FileRequest, UpdateRequest), the forwarded one will have a two letter upper-case symbol on the first line (FR, UR). If a Crash message comes from a point authorized to send DM only, the Hold attribute is set in order to change the Crash flavour to Direct (Squish handles the sum of Crash and Hold as Direct). The forwarded copy will have a "cm" lower-case symbol on the first line of the message. If a Crash message comes from a system that is not authorized to send neither Crash nor Direct mail, the crash flag will be reset and a "cm" symbol will be inserted in forwarded copies. If a Direct message (Crash and Hold flags set) comes from a system that is not authorized, the crash and hold flags will be reset and the "dm" symbol will be inserted in forwarded copies. ═══ 5. Installation ═══ INSTALLATION 1) (OS/2): Make sure you have the MSGAPI32.DLL in a directory contained in your LIBPATH and the PmHatch.Exe program in your PATH. MSGAPI32.DLL can be found in the Squish 1.11 archive (SQSHP111.LZH). (NT): Make sure you have the MSGAPINT.DLL in a directory contained in your PATH. MSGAPINT.DLL can be found in the Max 3.01 for Windows archive (MAX301N.ZIP). (DOS): Make sure you have the DOS4GW.EXE Dos extender (from Rational System Inc.) in your path. The DOS4GW extender requires an XMS or DPMI memory driver installed in your config.sys: e.g. HIMEM.SYS, QEMM (by QuarterDeck Office Systems Inc.). 2) Edit nmfwd.cfg following the comments in it. 3) Edit your batch file in order to call nmfwd BEFORE netmail packing. Example 1 (two pass): Squish In Out NmFwd Squish Squash -sNrm Example 2 (one pass): Squish In Out Squash -o -sNrm NmFwd Squish Squash -sNrm Note: - The -o switch prevents squish from packing netmail before Nmfwd has a chance to process it. - You may need additional calls to squish to process echomail generated locally. Example 3 (separate echo and netmail routing, SqPrv local echomail processor and Nef tic processor used): sqrem squish in out squash -sECHO -o nef squnrem squish in sqprv squish out squash -sECHO -o nmfwd squish squash -sNET ═══ 6. Command Line ═══ Command line switches -c -l Example: NMFWD -cc:\max\nmfwd.cfg -lc:\log\nmfwd.log ═══ 6.1. Errorlevels ═══ ERRORLEVELS 0 - All OK. 1 - Help requested 3 - Abnormal Termination. 4 - Cfg Error. 9 - Error accessing Maximus PRM file. 10 - Error updating/accessing FileBase. 11 - Nodelist Busy. 128 - Too many new messages (*.MSG). The current limit (providing there is enough free memory) is of 32768 messages numbered between 1 and 65535. 251 - Config file not found. 252 - Error on command line. 253 - MsgApi error. 254 - Can't open Log file. 255 - Out of memory. ═══ 7. Configuration ═══ CONFIGURATION FILE NmFwd requires a configuration file (defaults to NmFwd.Cfg). Before using NmFwd you should edit this file, following the comments in the sample one. The names of the various parameters are NOT case sensitive. Items in square brackets ([]) are optional. ═══ 7.1. User Manager ═══ USER MANAGEMENT COMMANDS You must send a private net-mail message to your robot, using the requested password as subject (see the .cfg for details). The Syntax of commands (to be put in the text) is: Username[,Username,Username ...] = Action[,Action, Action ...] You can list a maximum of 30 Usernames and 30 Actions per command. You can use "()" as a valid Username (where is a Maximus 3.xx access string). Examples: (Extra|Normal/EFP) = list Requests a list of users that have at least the "Extra" privilege or the "Normal" one together with the E,F,P keys. (=twit) = Level disgrace Gives the disgrace privilege to all twit users. (0/h) = Level favored Gives the favored privilege to all users that have the h key (except for those that have a privilege above MAXLEV). (=disgrace/kj) = Level normal Gives the normal privilege to all disgrace users that have both the k and j keys. All the listed actions will be applied in the listed order to all of the listed users. You can write many commands in the same message, provided they are separated by a . Every command may be more than 80 chars but it cannot contain carriage returns. In the case you are unsure whether your message editor really inserts carriage returns between long command lines, just leave a blank line between any two commands. Examples: Albert MacGiver = Level Normal Franz Cormack, Robert Harris = Level Extra, Keys net The available actions are: (The MaxLev option in .cfg allows to inhibit the action on higher privileges) Level - set the privilege. can be any level name defined in Maximus Access.Ctl or a legal level number. E.g. Level Normal Level 55 Report - give full report on user record "Permanent" records are marked with a '@' before the user name. "Deleted" records are marked with a '#' before the user name. List - list username with his privilege and keys Kill - Mark the user record as deleted Avatar - Set Avatar screen mode Ansi - Set ANSI screen mode TTY - Set TTY screen mode City - set the user city Password - set the user password. If Maximus is configured to use encrypted passwords, the new password will be encrypted the next time maximus accesses the user record. Phone - set the user telephone Alias - set the user alias Help - set the user help level (Expert|Regular|Novice) CLS - set the "Clear Screen allowed" flag UsedMax - set the "Not first-time user" flag IbmChars - set the IBM graphics flag RIP - set the RIP graphics flag MaxEd - set the MaxEd full screen editor flag More - set the More flag InUserList - set the "Show in UserList" flag Tabs - set the "Tabs allowed" flag Nerd - set the Nerd flag (don't sound when yelling) ChatAvail - set the "Available for Chat" flag HotKeys - set the "Uses HotKeys" flag FSReading - set the "Full Screen Reading" flag Perm - set the "User is PERManent" flag Language - select the language Nulls - select the number of nulls Up <[+|-]upK> Down <[+|-]downK> - set the total up/download in KiloBytes, optional +|- to add|subtract to|from the total. UpFiles <[+|-]n> DownFiles <[+|-]n> - set the total number of files up/downloaded, optional +|- to add|subtract to|from the total. Credit <[+|-]n> Debit <[+|-]n> - set the user credit/debit (n in 0..65535), optional +|- to add|subtract to|from the total debit. CreditPoints <[+|-]n> DebitPoints <[+|-]n> - set the user allocated/used points, optional +|- to add|subtract to|from the total. Keys [+][-] - set/reset the listed keys; e.g. Keys abc set keys a, b, c Keys -abc reset keys a, b, c Keys abc-de set keys a, b, c; reset keys d, e. Keys +abc-de set keys a, b, c; reset keys d, e. ExpDate - set the Expiration date (dd-mm-yy), set the "Expire by date" flag and reset the "Expire by minutes" flag. If no is given, reset the "Expire by date" flag. Example: ExpDate 13-May-92 ExpDate 13-May-1992 ExpDate 13-05-1992 ExpDate 13-05-92 (Expire on May 13th 92) ExpMins - set the Expiration minutes, set the "Expire by minutes" flag and reset the "Expire by date" flag. If no is given, reset the "Expire by mins" flag. ExpNone - Reset Expire mode flags (ExpAxe and ExpDemote) ExpDemote - set the Expire->Demote flag and Priv level to demote to. ExpAxe - set the Expire->Axe flag Append - append a new user record: a default one will be appended. Obviously this must be the first command and can be followed by other commands specifying new parameters for the user. The default is: Privilege: 0 Help: Novice Screen mode: TTY Language: The first. Columns: 80 Rows: 24 UsedMax: No MaxEd: Yes More: No HotKeys: No IbmChars: No RIP: No Tabs: No CLS: No FSReading: No All other fields are zeroed. ═══ 7.2. File Manager ═══ FILE MANAGEMENT See FMAN.HLP and NMFWD.CFG for details on the FileManagement Commands. OS/2 NOTE: The Touch command and all the FileManager functions use the Maximus 3.xx convention for the file dates on HPFS. The modification date is shown in reports (just as with the OS/2 DIR command), the creation one is used as the "upload date" to compute the "age" of files. Thus the output of a "newfiles 10" command could show files with dates much older than 10 days, provided they have been uploaded (or touched) during the last 10 days. ═══ 7.3. AreaFix ═══ AREAFIX Integrated AREAFIX: works on SQUISH configuration file (No Areas.bbs). Works OK with 3D (fakenet) or 4D points. To link/unlink areas: Send a netmail message to AreaFix using your password as the subject. You can add "-Q", "-L", "-R" and "-H" in the subject field, after the password. -Q: to request a list of available areas. -L: to request a sysop-defined message (usually a description of some or all areas). -R: to request the rescan of the specified areas (SqPrv areas are automatically excluded from rescan). -H: to get help. The same goals can be achieved by using some special commands in the message body: %Query, %List, %Rescan, %Help respectively. In the body of the message, you must list the TAGS of the areas you want to link or rescan (optionally with a leading '+'). If you want to unlink an area, preceed the area name with a '-' (e.g. -CHATTER). More than one area tag can be specified on the same line. The password and area tags are not case-sensitive. See Nmfwd.Cfg for more details. ═══ 7.4. Return To Sender ═══ RETURN TO SENDER Integrated ReturnToSender based on V7 Nodelist, such as the one generated by FastLst. RTS checks the originating and destination addresses of all new netmail messages. If the originating address is not found, then a short warning for the addressee is inserted in the message text. If the destination address is not found, then the message is stopped (marked as sent) and a short message is sent to the sender. If both the addresses are not found, then the message is stopped and a short message is sent to the SysOp. Note: for points of other systems, the Boss address (.0) is checked; for points of the local Boss, the entire 4D address is checked, so you need to have your points in the V7 nodelist (usually this is not a problem since the points must already be in a local nodelist in order to have a session password). Warning: RTS does not check the existence of a point when applying the "name remapping" configured with the "Remap" statement in NmFwd.Cfg or Squish.Cfg. An optional check on Routed Echomail is available: if an echomail message not addressed to your node is found in the netmail area, than it is stopped (marked as sent) and the sysop of the originating node is alerted. ═══ 7.5. Return Receipt ═══ RETURN RECEIPT REQUEST You can enable the generation of Return Receipts for netmail messages addressed to your system or your points that come in with the Return-Receipt-Request flag set or with the "*RR*" (case sensitive) string in their subject. When RRQ is active in the configuration file, if a netmail message requests a return receipt, a short receipt is sent to the sender, the RRQ flag is stripped from the original message, the "*RR*" string is deleted from the subject if present, an informative line is added at the head of the message body to inform the addressee that a return receipt was sent. If the sender is unlisted and "RTS" is active, than no action is taken on messages with RRQ. The "*RR*" string in the subject is an easy way to ask for Return-Receipt when the RRQ flag cannot easily be set by the message editor or is stripped by some mail processor. ═══ 8. Miscellaneous Info ═══ MISCELLANEOUS INFO When UseFB is active, the NewFiles, Dir * and Cont * commands of the file-manager use the file-base files instead of looking into FILES.BBS and directories. On fast machines, after generating lots of outbound packets, NmFwd will automatically pause for a few seconds reporting "Waiting seconds". This is necessary to avoid routing mistaked when Squish is invoked just after NmFwd. The same thing happens before Nmfwd invokes Squish for rescanning an area in response to a areafix rescan request. NmFwd recognizes SqPrv areas (SqPrv is another program of mine) and does NOT allow rescanning. ═══ 9. SHAREWARE ═══ S H A R E W A R E If you like this program and continue using it, you should pay the author for his work, as per the ShareWare concept of distribution. Please see LICENSE.DOC and REGISTER.DOC for information. Thank you for your interest in ApWorks programs. ═══ 9.1. License.Doc ═══ ╔═══════════╗ ║ ║ ║ N M F W D ║ ║ ║ ╚═══════════╝ L I C E N S E P O L I C Y February 1997 This software (program and accompanying documentation) are: Copyright (c) 1991-1997 Alberto Pasquale, all rights reserved. DISTRIBUTION FORMAT This software is distributed in a locked RAR archive, with embedded authenticity-verification information. The distribution of modified archives, including those derived from the conversion to a different archiver, is explicitly prohibited. When the RAR extension is not accepted, you should either store the original RAR archive inside a different one (e.g. RAR inside ZIP) or get the self-extracting executable that is prepared by the author (available on ftp.bmtmicro.com/bmtmicro). S H A R E W A R E This software is distributed as ShareWare: you are granted the right to evaluate the program for a maximum of 30 days before paying the author. After the evaluation period, you are required to either register (see REGISTER.DOC) or stop using the program. You are encouraged to distribute the original and unmodified package freely, in any form and on any media, provided you do not charge any fee for the program itself. This package could be included in CD-ROM collections, subscription download areas, BBS packages, provided it remains in its complete and unmodified original archive. In any case, the user must register with the author after the evaluation period. IMPORTANT: the registration is NOT a trade transaction, it is to be considered as payment of royalties; therefor the registration key is personal and NOT transferrable. DISCLAIMER This software is provided on an "as is" basis without warranty of any kind, expressed or implied, including but not limited to the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. The person using the software bears all risk as to its quality and performance. The author will not be liable for any special, incidental, consequential, indirect or similar damages due to loss of data or any other reason. ═══ 9.2. Register.Doc ═══ ** ** ** ** ******* ** ** ***** *** ** *** *** ** * ** ** ** ** **** ** ******* ** * ** ** ** ** ** **** ******* **** ** * ** ** ** ** *** ** * ** ** * ******* ** ** ** ** ** ** ** *** *** ** ** ** ** ** ** **** * * ***** (C) Copyright 1991-1997 by Alberto Pasquale A L L R I G H T S R E S E R V E D For licensing terms and disclaimer, see LICENSE.DOC. This program required a lot of work: by registering you will support me in developing this and other similar products. You will receive a registration Key that removes the initial 2 second pause and makes the program show "Registered To: " instead of the registration request banner. The registration is guaranteed valid for all future minor updates and, in any case, for all versions that will be released in a period of 2 years after registration. After this period, an upgrade fee might possibly be required in the case of major new releases. The registration key works with the current version of the program for ANY platform: you do not have to pay anything in the case you change your operating system. ╔═════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╗ ║ ║ ║ Registration fee: US$ 25, DEM 35, ITL 30,000 or (see below) ║ ║ ║ ╚═════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╝ ═══ 9.2.1. How to Register ═══ HOW TO REGISTER Registering is quite easy; you can register: - Directly with me by cash, check or international (not domestic !) postal money order. - via local Registration Site in Germany, UK. - via BMT Micro (Wilmington, NC, USA), by credit card, money order, cashiers check, personal check, German or British currency. - via PsL (Houston, TX, USA), by credit card. The registration key will be delivered via internet e-mail or crash netmail depending on availability; fax and postal mail will be used only in case of problems. Should you not receive your registration key in a reasonable time, please feel free to contact me. Please allow at least 3 weeks for response to international airmail. Please address your requests, complaints, suggestions to: Alberto Pasquale of 2:332/504@fidonet alberto.pasquale@interbusiness.it 2:332/504@fidonet +39-59-246112 X75 V120 V34+ V32T H16 2:332/524@fidonet +39-59-246113 X75 FAX-G3 ═══ Author's ═══ Hot to register directly with the author You have to send the registration information and money to: Alberto Pasquale Viale Verdi 106 41100 Modena Italy ═══ Cash ═══ Cash: Just put the (accurately hidden) banknotes (US$ 25, DEM 35, ITL 30,000) together with Register.For in an envelope. If you do not have US dollars, German marks or Italian liras and do not like going to the bank, you can send the equivalent in your currency, provided it is commonly exchangeable. ═══ Check ═══ Check: Just put the check (accurately hidden) together with Register.For in an envelope. Please read carefully the following instructions: - Eurocheque: ITL 30,000 (thirty thousand). - Italian check: 30.000 lire - Other (bank) checks: US$ 25, DEM 35 or equivalent. ATTENTION: NO Postal Checks please. ═══ Postal Money Order ═══ Postal Money Order: Just go to the post office and ask for an _INTERNATIONAL_ postal money order. It is best to go to a major post office, since minor ones are generally not used dealing with international money orders. Usually you can choose whether to use your currency or the recipient's. Please be sure to specify the necessary registration information in the "sender message" field or send Register.For separately to the author. - International money order in italian liras: ITL 30,000 (thirty thousand). - International money order in your currency: US$ 25, DEM 35 or equivalent. - Italian money order "vaglia": 30.000 lire. IMPORTANT: Please DO NOT send me normal "domestic" postal money orders, since they are not payable outside of your country; you must use INTERNATIONAL postal money orders. If you would like to receive the key soon, you can FAX me (+39-59-246113) the receipt of the postal money order together with REGISTER.FOR. ═══ Local Registration/Support sites ═══ Local Registration/Support Sites: If you choose this way, you will have contacts with the local supporter only: you will send him the money and registration form; in a few days you will receive your key. ═══ Germany ═══ Germany: Roland Schiradin Stockbornstr. 10 65343 Eltville Germany Fidonet: 2:2454/169 Mail Only Internet: schiradi@tap.de Reg. Fee: DEM 35 He has the APWORKS support echo and TIC file-areas for my programs available. Besides he can provide you with information about the nodes carrying APWORKS in Germany. He has the latest version of ApWorks programs available for F/R with the same magics listed in Readme.1st. ═══ United Kingdom ═══ United Kingdom: Vince Coen Applewood House Epping Road Roydon, Harlow Essex, CM19 5DA, UK Fidonet: 2:257/609 Reg. Fee: GBP 15.00 Payment can be in Cash, Cheque (bankers card number on order form please), EuroCheck, Credit Card or direct to my bankers. Payment MUST be in Pounds Sterling. For payment through the bank: Bank: First Direct. Sort code: 40-47-86. Account: 00449334 Account name: Vincent Coen. Payment reference must include Sysop name and node number. For payment via Visa/Mastercard/Eurocard there is a 5.50% surcharge which will add 0.83 to the cost of 15.00, i.e. 15.83 Pounds Sterling. Credit Card details needed: Name and address of card holder, Card number and card expiry date. The latest version of ApWorks programs are available for F/R with the same magics listed in Readme.1st. ═══ Canada ═══ Canada: Mary-Anne Wise 58-771 Columbia St. New Westminster, BC V3M 1B6 Fidonet: 1:153/831 Internet: MWISE@bc.sympatico.ca Reg. Fee: CDN 32.50 Methods of payment: cheque, money order ═══ BMT Micro ═══ How to register with BMT Micro You have to fill in the BmtMicro.For registration form and send it (or equivalent information) to BMT Micro. The registration fee is US$ 25. ATTENTION: for any question regarding the program, its registration, support etc, you must contact me directly. Please contact BMT Micro to order ONLY. Usually your key will be delivered within 2 business days. In certain holiday periods (Christmas, Easter, end of July, first half of August) there might be some delay (a few days for Christmas or Easter, a couple of weeks in July/August). If you think your order is particularly late, please contact me first ! Mail Orders To: BMT Micro PO Box 15016 Wilmington, NC 28408 U.S.A. Voice Orders: 8:00am - 7:00pm EST (-5 GMT) (800) 414-4268 (Orders only) (910) 791-7052 (Orders / Order Inquires) Fax Orders: (800) 346-1672 24 hours, 7 days a week (910) 350-2937 24 hours, 7 days a week Online Orders via BBS: (910) 350-8061 10 lines, all 14.4K (910) 799-0923 28.8k line On the Web: http://www.bmtmicro.com http://www.os2ss.com http://www.frankson.aus.net/bmtaust/ Ordering and general ordering questions: Via AOL: bmtmicro via MSN: bmtmicro Via Prodigy: HNGP66D via Compuserve: 74031,307 via Internet: orders@bmtmicro.com telnet@bmtmicro.com Credit cards: Visa, Mastercard, Discover, American Express, Diners Club, Carte Blanche. They also accept money orders, cashiers checks, personal checks. Personal checks are subject to clearance. US Currency is welcome (only by registered mail, return receipt requested). BMTMICRO ORDERING FROM INSIDE GERMANY ONLY ========================================== Persons in Germany may also transfer funds into the BMTMICRO account with Deutsche Bank. Once the money is deposited you may either fax a confirmation to BMTMICRO with proof of deposit or wait until Deutsche Bank notifies them of the transaction (usually 10-18 business days). Account information is as follows: Deutsche Bank / Frankfurt Branch EmpfДnger: Thomas Bradford / BMT Micro Konto-Nummer: 0860221 Bankleitzahl: 500-700-10 When you make the transfer, be sure to put your name and the program you are registering on the transfer. Current exchange rates can be obtained by sending an email to dm_to_us@bmtmicro.com. An automated reply will return todays exchange rates. It is very important that you send BMTMICRO a completed order form by either email or fax if you deposit money into this account for a registration. Fill the order form out as usual except in the credit card number field put "DEUTSCHE BANK". They will file the order and use it to match against the deposit information they receive from the bank. IMPORTANT! ---------- When you email BMTMICRO your order form, they will reply with an acknowledgement. If you do not get an acknowledgement within 24 hours please send your order again in case it was lost. This extra bit of caution can save a lot of confusion. If you are concerned that your order is taking too long to process, feel free to check with BMTMICRO about the status of your order. It's important to all of us that you feel safe doing business with BMTMICRO and please feel free to suggest ways we can improve our service to you. ═══ PsL ═══ How to register with PsL (by credit card) You must fill in the PsL.Crd and Register.For forms; then you must send BOTH of them to PSL directly (they will forward Register.for information to me). You can order with MasterCard, Visa, American Express or Discover Card: the charge is US$ 25. ATTENTION: you MUST NOT send me any information about your credit card. If you do, I am NOT allowed to forward your credit card info to PSL. ATTENTION: for any question regarding the program, its registration, key delivery etc, you must contact me directly. You must contact PSL to order ONLY. PSL will notify me your order within one business day and I will usually send your key by e-mail or crash netmail within 24h, so if you order by fax or phone, you should usually receive your key within 2 business days. ATTENTION: In certain "holiday" periods (Christmas, Easter, end of July, first half of August) there might be some delay (a few days for Christmas or Easter, a couple of weeks in July/August). If you think your order is particularly late, please contact me first ! ATTENTION: It may happen that the PSL operator asks you for your preferred diskette format. You must be aware that this may be "standard" PSL procedure, but I will send you a key ONLY (via e-mail, crash netmail, fax or letter), since you already have the program. IMPORTANT: Please, be sure to always give PsL the address where you want to receive your key: e-mail address, fidonet name _and_ address, fax number, and/or complete postal address. If you are not in the fidonet nodelist and I don't receive enough information, I will be forced to send you an air-mail letter (2-3 weeks for delivery). In the case of doubts, you can send the Register.For to me too, by e-mail, crash netmail or fax. Credit card registrations may be made by the following methods (please be sure to always include all the necessary information from BOTH Register.For and PsL.Crd). -- PsL on the Web: -- Phone PsL at: 800-2424-PsL i.e. 800-2424-775 (Toll free from USA) +1-713-524-6394 (international) PSL Office Hours: 7:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. CST Monday->Thursday 7:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. CST Friday Be sure to have BOTH Register.For AND PsL.Crd available to give order information to PSL. First of all, mention the PSL part number specified in PsL.Crd. -- FAX PsL at +1-713-524-6398 -- Email PsL at CompuServe userid 71355,470 -- Write PsL at: The Public (software) Library P.O. Box 35705 Houston, TX 77235-5705, USA Please, let me insist one more time: ╔═══════════════════════════════════════════════════════╗ ║ The above numbers are for ORDERS ONLY. ║ ║ Any question about the status of the shipment of the ║ ║ order (registration key), registration options, ║ ║ product details, technical support, etc, must be ║ ║ directed to the author, at the address given above in ║ ║ this documentation. ║ ╚═══════════════════════════════════════════════════════╝ ═══ 9.2.2. How to fill in Register.For ═══ INSTRUCTIONS FOR COMPILING REGISTER.FOR To avoid errors in the key, please PRINT. Thank you very much for your support ! ═══ Name ═══ Name: Your complete name. Example: John Doe ═══ Reg ═══ Reg: The registration string you want displayed by the program. You can use any character in the IBM set (including special national characters above ASCII 127; if you do not use code page 437 (USA), please specify the code numbers) and you can use lowercase and uppercase at your preference. Maximum length: 63 characters. Usually it should be the same as your name, in which case you can omit this field. ═══ e-mail to ═══ e-mail to: This is your internet e-mail address, if available. ═══ Netmail to ═══ Netmail to: You have to specify the complete destination field for the netmail message. Examples: John Doe of 1:200/300.4 John Doe of 1:200/300.0 ═══ Crash to ═══ Crash to: You have to specify the data necessary for crashing the message. Usually this should be your system or your Boss (if you are a point). I will call as 2:332/504@fidonet. - If your system (or your Boss) is 24h and it is in the fidonet nodelist, you can omit this field. - If your system is not 24h, please give me a 24h system to which I can crash your netmail for routing. - If the system in consideration is not in the fidonet nodelist, please add its complete phone number and modem type. Examples: 1:200/400@fidonet 9:800/700@ABCnet +1-703-4567 V34, ISDNC ═══ Fax ═══ Fax: This is your (24h) fax number, if any. ═══ Address ═══ Address: The postal address is the last opportunity of sending you the key. ═══ Version ═══ Version: You should indicate BOTH the version number AND the Operating System. Example: ver. 2.07 OS/2 This is not essential and is included for statistical purposes only (the key works with all current versions). ═══ Notes ═══ Notes: You can send me your wish list for future versions, or anything you like. ═══ 9.2.3. How to fill in BmtMicro.For ═══ INSTRUCTIONS FOR COMPILING BMTMICRO.FOR The first section contains data necessary for BMT Micro (your name, company, address, phone and fax). The second section contains the "Registration Information" that will be relayed to me so that I can build the key and deliver it to you. The third section contains the product and cost indication. The registration is valid for any operating system. The forth section contains data for Credit Card payment. To avoid errors, please PRINT. Thank you very much for your support ! ═══ Reg ═══ Reg: The registration string you want displayed by the program, ASCII characters only (<127). Maximum length: 63 characters. ═══ e-mail to ═══ e-mail to: This is your internet e-mail address, if available. ═══ Netmail to ═══ Netmail to: You have to specify the complete destination field for the netmail message. Examples: John Doe of 1:200/300.4 John Doe of 1:200/300.0 ═══ Crash to ═══ Crash to: You have to specify the data necessary for crashing the message. Usually this should be your system or your Boss (if you are a point). I will call as 2:332/504@fidonet. - If your system (or your Boss) is 24h and it is in the fidonet nodelist, you can omit this field. - If your system is not 24h, please give me a 24h system to which I can crash your netmail for routing. - If the system in consideration is not in the fidonet nodelist, please add its complete phone number and modem type. Examples: 1:200/400@fidonet 9:800/700@ABCnet +1-703-4567 V34, ISDNC ═══ 9.3. Register.For ═══ NmFwd Registration Form (Please PRINT) See Register.Doc for instructions: Date: __/__/__ Name: _________________________________________________________ Reg.: _________________________________________________________ e-mail to: ____________________________________________________ Netmail to: ___________________________________________________ Crash to: _____________________________________________________ Fax: __________________________________________________________ Address: ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ Version: _.___ OS/2 ( ) NT ( ) DOS ( ) Notes: ________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ ═══ 9.4. BmtMicro.For ═══ BMT Micro NmFwd Registration Form ***************************************** * DO NOT SEND this form to the author ! * ***************************************** See Register.Doc for instructions, please PRINT: Date: __/__/__ Name: __________________________________________________________ Company: _______________________________________________________ Address: _______________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ City: ______________________ State/Province: _________________ Country: ___________________________ Postal Code: ______________ Phone: _________________________________________________________ Fax: ___________________________________________________________ REGISTRATION INFORMATION Reg.: __________________________________________________________ e-mail to: _____________________________________________________ Netmail to: ____________________________________________________ Crash to: ______________________________________________________ Product: NmFwd (by Alberto Pasquale) Price: US$ 25.00 North Carolina residents, please add 6% sales tax: +US$ __.__ Total: US$ __.__ For credit card payment only: Circle one: VISA / Master / Discover / AMEX / Diner's Club Credit card number : _______________________________________ Expiration date : ___/___ Authorization signature: _______________________________________ ═══ 9.5. PsL.Crd ═══ NmFwd Credit Card Registration Form PSL Part number 11472 ***************************************** * DO NOT SEND this form to the author ! * ***************************************** Please read carefully Register.Doc for instructions. Date _________________________ Cardholder's name, exactly as it appears on the credit card: _____________________________________________________ [Company:] _____________________________________________________ Billing address for the card: ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ Payment by: ( ) MasterCard ( ) Visa ( ) American Express ( ) Discover Card Card #: _______________________________ Exp. Date: __________ Signature of cardholder: _______________________________________ ═══ 10. Sample config files ═══ Some example configuration files ═══ 10.1. NmFwd.Cfg ═══ ;***************************************************************************** ;* * ;* (C) Copyright 1991-1997 Alberto Pasquale * ;* * ;* A L L R I G H T S R E S E R V E D * ;* * ;***************************************************************************** ;* * ;* NmFwd is NOT free-software, it is distributed under the ShareWare * ;* concept ! If you regularly use it, you should register. * ;* See REGISTER.DOC for more details on how to register your copy. * ;* * ;***************************************************************************** ;* * ;* How to contact the author: Alberto Pasquale of 2:332/504@fidonet * ;* alberto.pasquale@interbusiness.it * ;* Viale Verdi 106 * ;* 41100 Modena * ;* Italy * ;* * ;***************************************************************************** ; ; ; Sample NmFwd 2.07 Control file ; ; ;RegKey RegistrationKey ; If you are a registered user, put your ; ; registration key here (not case sensitive) ; ; ; S Y S T E M ; ; ; MaxPrm ; ; Points to the Maximus 3.xx PRM file. ; If the MAXIMUS environment variable is defined, this statement is an ; optional override. ; MaxPrm c:\max\max.prm ; Maximus Prm file ; ; MultiLineDesc [] ; ; Specifies the continuation column (0 based) and character ; for multi-line descriptions in files.bbs. ; ; For example, to have the 2nd and following description lines in ; files.bbs preceded by 31 spaces, use: ; ; MultiLineDesc 31 ; ; To have the continuation lines preceded by a ; '|' character, use: ; ; MultiLineDesc 29 | ; MultiLineDesc 31 ; ; The "SquishCfg" file is changed by Areafix. ; Some cfg options are searched for in SquishCfg: ; Address, BinkPoint, NetFile, NetArea, PointNet, LogFile, Outbound, ; Password, Maxpkt, KillInTransit, Track ; ; If you want to add or override some option, you can add any of the ; previous statements in this file. The overrides must be after the ; SquishCfg statement, so that they can overwrite the specifications ; previously got from the Squish cfg file. ; ; ATTENTION: the log file is opened when a logfile specification is first ; encountered. If you want to override the LogFile statement of squish.cfg ; you must specify "LogFile" before "SquishCfg" ! ; The "-l" command line swith is a global override. ; ; The new "include" statement of squish.cfg is NOT supported: you must ; use a unique Squish.Cfg file if you want NmFwd to work correctly. ; SquishCfg c:\max\squish.cfg ; The Squish configuration file. ; ; ; If you have the "BinkPoint" verb active in SquishCfg, NmFwd must know ; which points (if any) have to be addressed using the 3D fakenet ; address. ; The "3DPoint [] ..." statement allows you to give NmFwd ; the necessary information. ; Multiple 3DPoint lines are allowed. ; If "BinkPoint" is not used (Squish in 3D mode) NmFwd assumed that all ; the points are 3D, so that you can comment out the 3DPoint statement. ; 3DPoint 1 2 4 5 6 ; List of fakenet Points ; ; TmpPath c:\nmtmp ; Path for temporary files ; ; MsgSize 16000 ; set the maximum size for messages generated ; ; by the various robots: defaults to 7000. ; ; Output will be automatically divided into ; ; multiple messages of this size. ; FwdMsgSize 260000 ; set the size of the message forward buffer. ; ; Defaults to 32000 ; ; Forwarded netmail messages will be truncated ; ; at this size, so make sure this number is large ; ; enough (as the buffer of your mail processor). ; MarkReceived ; Mark the messages addressed to the various ; ; robots as received. Otherwise they are deleted ; ; after execution. ; ; !!! If you have problems with NmFwd and Golded, ; ; please be sure this statement is active. ; ; WrapDesc [ []] ; Allows to indent the file descriptions ; reported by the filemanager. ; is the indentation for 2nd ; and consecutive lines (default 0); ; is the maximum column number ; (default 79). ; WrapDesc 31 79 ; Align file description ; ; ; ; B O S S E N A B L E ; ; ; If you are a remote SysOp and you usually operate from your point, you ; should be aware that you cannot send netmail messages with the ".0" ; address from your 4D point through your Boss, as you could with a 3D ; point. The reason is that Squish (on your Boss) automatically adds ; any missing "^AFMPT n" kludge to all messages tossed from PKTs that ; come from 4D points. ; ; So, if you need the capability to send netmail messages to Areafix, ; Raid, VoteMgr of your uplinks from your point, you need the BossEnable ; verb. ; ; When BossEnable is active, if a netmail message coming from one of ; your points has the "*BOSS*" (case insensitive) string at the beginning ; of its subject, the string and the "^AFMPT n" kludge are removed. ; ; No space is removed after the "*BOSS*" string, so don't leave any ; space between this string and the actual subject if you do not need ; spaces before the subject ! ; ; BossEnable ; Enables .0 netmail msgs from 4D points ; ; ; ; B O S S R O U T I N G ; ; ; If you are using BinkleyTerm (TradeMark of Bit Bucket Software) ; in the 5D mode (no "privatenet" in binkley.cfg) and Squish in 4D mode ; ("BinkPoint" in squish.cfg) you should have noted that you cannot ; send a crash netmail to a point through its boss, as you could in a ; fakenet environment. ; ; If you do not comment out the "BossRoute" statement, NmFwd will send ; to your Outbound.Sq and route to their boss all the crash and direct ; flavoured messages addressed to points that are not found in your V7 ; nodelist or that have a NULL phone number. ; ; Thus you have the good old boss-routing feature while retaining the ; capability of directly calling a point if it has a valid phone number ; in your V7 nodelist. Please note that a point in your nodelist could ; have been redirected to its boss: in this case Binkley will call it ; through its boss phone number. ; BossRoute ; Route Crash/Direct msgs for points to their boss ; ; ; ; B O S S F I X ; ; ; Squish 1.01 has a bug: when operating in 4D mode, the messages ; addressed to points are automatically routed to their Boss BUT Squish ; does NOT set the packet password for the Boss in the routed packet. ; ; So, if you are operating in 4D mode using packet passwords and you ; have some downlinks, you cannot use the ; "Send [...]" command in route.cfg. ; You can safely use the "Route .All" command for each ; of your downlinks (explicitly routing points to their Boss). ; ; An easier way is to enable the "BossFix" statement provided by NmFwd: ; all the normal flavoured messages addressed to points are routed to ; their Boss by NmFwd. The messages are packed to *.OUT in Outbound.Sq ; and they receive the correct packet password. ; ; Not necessary with Squish 1.11 ; ; BossFix ; ; ; ; F L A G S T R I P P I N G ; ; ; If you comment out the CM_from statement, the Crash and Direct ; flags of original messages will not be touched. ; If you use it, the CM flag will be stripped from any message not coming ; from the specified points. If you don't specify any point, the flag ; will be stripped from all the messages. ; ; The DM_from statement is ignored if CM_from is commented out. ; If DM_from is commented out, all systems are allowed the Direct flag. ; If DM_from is used, the Direct flag is not allowed, except for the ; specified points. ; ; Note: The Direct flag is the sum of Crash and Hold flags for Squish ! ; ; If you use these statements, you should disable any flag stripping ; capability of Squish (comment out the StripAttributes in Squish.cfg). ; CM_from 0 1 2 ; SysOp/CoSysOp points can send CM and DM through ; ; the BOSS. ; ; Point 0 allows non-local msgs with Boss' address to ; ; get through the Boss with the crash or direct flag ; ; (e.g. a SysOp who sends a msg from his point with ; ; his BBS address). DM_from 4 5 ; AsstSysOp points can send DM through the BOSS DM_from 18 ; You can use multiple CM_from/DM_from statements. ; ; (max 40 points in CM_from/DM_from statements (40+40)). ; ; ; ; M A T R I X F O R W A R D ; ; ; If you want to send a copy of ALL matrix messages to some point, you ; must put the point numbers in the following statement ; "FwdAll [] ...". ; ; All matrix messages neither coming nor addressed to "" will be ; forwarded to it. ; ; If you don't need to forward ALL matrix msgs to any point, you can comment ; out the "FwdAll" statement. ; ; The "FwdLoc" and "FwdBbs" statements allow a more controlled forwarding. ; ; FwdAll 1 ; Points that must receive ALL matrix msgs ; FwdLoc 2 ; Points that must receive the messages ; ; from/to your BBS (and points) _only_ ; ; (no in-transit message will be forwarded). ; ;FwdBbs 2 ; Points that must receive the messages ; ; from/to your BBS (no points) _only_. ; ; ; ; P O I N T R E M A P P I N G ; ; ; The "from address" of every read message coming from your 3D (fakenet) ; points is internally remapped to 4D. ; ; The "Remap " statement allows you to remap messages ; addressed to your system (.0) to if a match is found ; with . You can use the Remap statement both here and in Squish.Cfg ; (if you want to use the advanced full-address remapping feature of Squish). ; However you MUST use the Remap statement provided by NmFwd for all ; the points listed in FwdAll, FwdLoc and FwdBbs statements (otherwise ; these points may receive dupes (the original remapped by Squish and ; the forwarded copy sent by NmFwd). ; Other points can be remapped here and/or in Squish.cfg, however you are ; strongly encouraged to remap all your points here. ; Remap 1 Alberto Pasquale Remap 1 SysOp Remap 2 Roberto Zanasi Remap 3 Francesco Carta Remap 4 Massimo Morselli Remap 5 Tiziano Incerti ; ; ; ; F I L E A T T A C H ; ; ; All File Attaches addressed to your points are handled by NmFwd, ; since all netmail messages to your points are directly forwarded by ; NmFwd. The "FileForward" statement allows the file forwarding to the ; listed points. However the F/As to .0 will not be forwarded, even if the ; message is remapped to one of your points. This is a feature not a ; limit. ; FileForward All ; allow file forwarding to any point ; ;FileForward 1 2 3 ; allow file forwarding to the listed points ; ; Some point users like sending files to other points through the Boss. ; This can be annoying for the busy SysOp that has to keep track ; of inbound files sent by points and to delete them after they have been ; sent to the destination point(s). ; ; Now you can use the Tmp_Fa_Dir as a temporary directory for the F/As ; between your points: all files in one of your NetFile directories that ; have a F/A message between two of your points will be moved (and ; touched) to the Tmp_Fa_Dir. ; If a file with the same name exists, it is overwritten. ; ; If you use the Tmp_Fa_Kill option, the files in Tmp_Fa_Dir will be deleted ; after the specified number of days. Under HPFS (OS/2) you can choose ; how to compute the file age: you can specify "Creation" (for Creation ; date) or "Write" (for Last-Write date). If none specified, Creation ; is assumed since it's usually handled as the "upload" date. ; ; The files with messages addressed to .0 will not be moved, even if they ; are remapped to some point. ; Tmp_Fa_Dir c:\file\tmpfa ; Tmp_Fa_Kill 10 Creation ; ; ; My points like sending me new files thru F/A, instead of uploading them as ; users. So my CoSysOp has to move these files to the appropriate upload ; directory and add to the files.bbs the description the point has sent ; via netmail. ; ; Now you can instruct Nmfwd to move the files and add the descriptions ; for you. ; ; UpFa [] ; ; Allows to move (and touch) to the files (in one of your ; NetFile dirs) whose F/A is addressed to at one of your ; addresses. The descriptions are appended to the \files.bbs ; file. Files with the same name are overwritten. The descriptions ; must be in the form of a single line of message text: ; " ". ; ; Pippo.Gif Another Gif Picture 2048*4096 50331648 colours ; ; In the case of a multiple F/A (with the same msg) the various descriptions ; can be put on different lines of the same message. ; can be shortened by completing it with *, so that you could write: ; ; Pip* Another Gif Picture ... ; or ; * Another Gif Picture ... ; ; The second example is very convenient in the case of a single F/A. ; ; The message is forwarded to all the points listed in "FwdAll", "FwdLoc" ; or "FwdBbs" statements and to those that are optionally listed in ; the "UpFa" line (). ; UpFa Upload c:\file\upload 2 18 ; max 20 UpFa statements UpFa UpAmiga d:\file\upamiga UpFa UpAtari d:\file\upatari 5 UpFa UpMac d:\file\upmac 20 UpFa Private d:\file\private 18 ; ; ; *********************************************************************** ; ** From here on, if you want a copy of answer messages on the Boss, ** ; ** you can specify 0 as a point number. ** ; *********************************************************************** ; ; R E T U R N T O S E N D E R ; ; (Version 7 nodelist) ; ; If active, checks the from and to address of all netmail messages. ; RTS ; To enable Return To Sender functions ; RTSAnswer 1 0 ; RTS messages are forwarded to these points ; NoRoutedEcho ; To stop Routed Echomail ; Nodelist c:\max\nodex ; Base name (no extension) of Version7 nodelist files. ; ; Multiple statements allowed (NmFwd will search all ; ; defined nodelists). ; ; ; RETURN RECEIPT ; RRQ ; enables Return Receipts ; RRQAnswer 1 ; Return Receipts are forwarded to these points ; ; ; ; U S E R M A N A G E M E N T ; ; (Max 3.xx) ; ; You can modify the user file by a netmail message addressed to one of ; the following "robots" at one of your addresses (max 10 RemUser ; statements). ; The message must have the necessary password as its subject; the text ; contains the commands. See the .DOC for details on available commands. ; ; ATTENTION: The robot's answers are sent to the points listed at the end ; of "RemUser" statements ONLY (not to the sender). Of course the legitimate ; user of the must be listed in . ; ; RemUser [] ; ; where: ; ; is the UserManager robot name to which netmail messages must be ; addressed (19 chars max). ; ; is the password to be used in the subject field of the netmail ; (19 chars max). ; ; is the list of points that must receive the answers. ; ; E.g.: ; ; RemUser Raiser SysOpPwd 0 2 ; ; Specifies that a Remote UserManager robot named "Raiser" can be ; addressed using the "SysOpPwd" password in the subject of the netmail ; and the answers must be written to the local netmail base ('0') and ; sent to point 2 ('2'). ; RemUser Raiser password 1 2 ; MaxLev Extra ; Max privilege RemUser is allowed to operate on. ; ; (Users with a priv level above MaxLev are skipped) ; ; Any privilege name defined in Maximus Access.Ctl ; ; can be specified as well as any level number. ; ; ; ; F I L E M A N A G E M E N T ; ; (Max 3.xx) ; ; You can handle your file areas via netmail messages addressed to one ; of the following robot names at one of your addresses. ; The message must have the necessary password as its subject; the text ; contains your commands. ; RemFile FMan ; FMan is a file-robot name ;RemFile Fsearch ;RemFile Maint ;RemFile AutoMaint ; ; ; The access to areas and commands is based on the Maximus 3.xx "Access ; String" concept. ; Each "RFAccess []" statement grants the ; specified to the specified . ; ; ATTENTION: The robot's answers are sent to the listed ONLY. ; The answer to passworded messages are NOT sent to the sender but only ; to the listed points. Of course the legitimate user of the password must ; be listed in ! ; RFAccess password1 SysOp/M1 1 2 4 RFAccess password2 AsstSysOp/M1 1 2 4 RFAccess password3 AsstSysOp/1 1 2 5 RFAccess password4 Clerk/1 1 2 20 ; ; Some commands could be useful for general points or remote users too: ; "RFDefAccess []" grants to users that do not put any ; recognized password in the subject. ; The robot's answers are sent to the listed _AND_ to the ; request originating address. ; RFDefAccess Normal 0 1 ; ; Some misused commands could determine an enourmous output ; (e.g. dir *.*): let's put an upper limit on the number of response ; messages (the msg size is already limited by the MsgSize statement): ; RFMaxMsgs 5 ; ; HelpPath fman.hlp ; Full path to the help file. ; ; Needed for the help command. ; ; You can specify the filename alone if it is ; ; in the current directory. ; DefDays 30 ; Files newer than days are ; ; marked with an '*'. The NewFiles command ; ; defaults to days. ; ; UseFB ; Use FileBase if available. ; ; Use *.IDX, *.DAT, *.DMP if available ; ; whenever useful. ; ; Filebase files will be automatically updated ; ; when executing filemanager commands. ; ; (no necessity for external FB/FBP.EXE). ; ; UniqueDmpLine ; When multi-line descriptions are ; ; used, the generated FILES.DMP ; ; will contain a unique line ; ; (resulting from the concatenation ; ; of all description lines). ; ; ; And now the commands ! ; ; Each command is regulated by a statement: ; ; [] ; ; where: ; ; is the name of a FileManager command ; is the Maximus access string required to use ; is a list of areas that can contain wildcards ("OS/2 style") ; and defaults to "*" (all areas). ; ; When a command is issued, the FileManager checks the list of ; statements that define the access rights from the bottom up (last to ; first). The first match between the current area name and ; determines the requirements for executing the requested command ; in the current area. ; ; E.g. ; ; Kill SysOp|AsstSysOp/U ; Kill SysOp private.* ; ; Specifies that the Kill command requires SysOp or AsstSysOp/U ; privilege in all areas but private.*, which are reserved to SysOp ; only. ; ; ; KillTo SysOp ; KillTo AsstSysOp/U msdos.* win.* ; ; Specifies that the KillTo command requires AsstSysOp/U privilege in ; msdos.* and win.* areas, SysOp in all the others. ; ; ; ; Usually you should use a " " statement first, to ; specify default access requirements, then you can add other ; " " statements to override the default ; requirements for the specified areas. ; ; See FMAN.HLP (or send a message to the robot with the HELP command) ; for a description of the available commands. ; ; ; Help Twit ; help on available commands. ; ; The help text on available commands ONLY ; ; will be put in the response message ; ; (e.g. Twits will not be informed about ; ; SysOp level commands). ; ; _NO_ area-override available. ; Areas Twit ; List of available areas. ; ; _NO_ area-override available. ; Dir Twit ; search for filespec. ; ; filespec follows the OS format when using ; ; FILES.BBS and the OS/2 one when FB is used. ; ; e.g. DIR NODE *diff.* is acceptable with FB ; ; even under Dos. ; Cont Twit ; list contents ; Locate Twit ; search file name and description for ; ; the specified token ; Type Twit ; type text file Type Normal/EF NET.TEXT.* ; The Type command in NET.TEXT.* areas ; ; is restricted to people who use a ; ; password that grants Normal/EF access. ; Files Twit ; list of files in one area ; NewFiles Twit ; list of new files ; ; ; ; SysOpCommands [] ; ; It defines access requirements for all the following commands: ; ; Hurl, Kill, KillTo, Edit, Ren, Touch, DelAft, AddAft, SortAft. ; ; After "SysOpCommands" you can use the single statements as overrides. ; ; E.g.: ; ; SysOpCommands AsstSysOp ; SysOpCommands AsstSysOp/u local.1!* ; KillTo AsstSysOp/u ; ; Specifies that the "SysOp" commands require a password that grants ; AsstSysOp privilege. The "local.1!*" areas and the "KillTo" command ; require the 'u' key also. ; SysOpCommands AsstSysOp/M SysOpCommands AsstSysOp ATARI.* AMIGA.* SysOpCommands Clerk MAC.* ; ; Hurl Clerk MAC.* ; these 9 statements are equivalent to ; Kill Clerk MAC.* ; the previous SysOpCommands one. ; KillTo Clerk MAC.* ; Edit Clerk MAC.* ; Ren Clerk MAC.* ; Touch Clerk MAC.* ; DelAft Clerk MAC.* ; AddAft Clerk MAC.* ; SortAft Clerk MAC.* ; ; ; A R E A F I X ; ; (Squish) ; ; ; You must send areafix requests to one of the following names; to disable ; Areafix you can comment out all the "Areafix " lines. ; AreaFix AreaFix ; Areafix Akas AreaFix AutoEcho ; AFDescFile c:\max\misc\echo.lst ; The echo description file, copied to ; ; a message in answer to a -L request. ; ; Please do not insert TAB characters ; ; in this file: use spaces only ! ; AFHelpFile c:\nmfwd\AFHelp.txt ; A Areafix help file to be sent in ; ; response to -h or %Help commands. ; ; Please do not insert TAB characters ; ; in this file: use spaces only ! ; AFanswer 1 2 ; Areafix answers are forwarded to these points. ; ; ; RESCAN ; ; BeforeRescan ; RescanCmd ; AfterRescan ; ; These three statements define the actions to be taken for ; rescanning an echomail area (in response to a -R in the subject). ; In the case you have different routing schedules for echomail and ; netmail, you will need something similar to the example, otherwise ; you can usually comment out BeforeRescan and AfterRescan. ; ; BeforeRescan and AfterRescan are executed one time only, before the first ; rescan and after the last one. ; ; can be any executable or batch file with the necessary command ; line parameters. %t and %n are converted to the area tag and node ; address respectively. ; ; IMPORTANT: please note that if you specify a path for Squish you must ; also specify the config file: e.g. ; "c:\squish\squish -cc:\squish\squish.cfg -l rescan %t %n" ; Anyway you might prefer changing directory using BeforeRescan and ; AfterRescan. ; BeforeRescan squish squash -o -sNET ; Packs netmail in temporary outbound ; RescanCmd squish -l rescan %t %n ; Rescans area %t to node %n ; AfterRescan squish squash -o -sECHO ; Packs rescanned echomail ; ; ; ACCESS CONTROL ; ; AFAccess
[] ;
is a 4D address; ; is not case sensitive and has no length limit; ; is an integer in the range 0..65535 ; is a set of keys chosen from 1..8,A..X (as in Maximus 2.0). ; The AFAccess statement gives the and access rights to ;
with . You can control the flavour of the answer ; packet with the field: N for Normal (you should use this ; unless you have some special necessity), H for Hold, D for Direct ; (the Crash and Hold flags are raised in the message, due to Squish's ; handling of message flags), C for Crash. ; 3D Points MUST be listed with the fakenet address. ; AFAccess 2:22504/1 password1 N 100 AP AFAccess 2:22504/2 password2 N 50 P AFAccess 2:332/504.3 password3 N 10 P AFAccess 2:332/501 password4 H 20 ; ; ; AFProt [] ; ; The AFProt statement gives the and access level ; protection to areas matching , which can contain ; wildcards in the "OS/2" way. An authorized system must have in ; its AFAccess definition a privilege level not less than ; and at least all the . ; ; The first matching entry is used; if no match is possible, the ; area is considered inaccessible. If you like to give free ; access by default, please don't forget to use "AfProt * 0" as ; the last entry. ; AFProt *SYSOP* 100 P ; area tags that contain "SYSOP" AFProt * 0 ; remaining areas are free ; ═══ 10.2. AfHelp.Txt ═══ Instructions for using Areafix To link/unlink areas: Send a netmail message to AreaFix using your password as the subject. You can add "-Q", "-L", "-R" and "-H" in the subject field, after the password. -Q: to request a list of available areas. -L: to request a sysop-defined message (usually a description of some or all areas). -R: to request the rescan of the specified areas (SqPrv areas are automatically excluded from rescan). -H: to get help. The same goals can be achieved by using some special commands in the message body: %Query, %List, %Rescan, %Help respectively. In the body of the message, you must list the TAGS of the areas you want to link or rescan (optionally with a leading '+'). If you want to unlink an area, preceed the area name with a '-' (e.g. -CHATTER). More than one area tag can be specified on the same line. The password and area tags are not case-sensitive. ═══ 10.3. Echo.Lst ═══ Descriptions for echomail areas POINT_332.504 Local area for points APWORKS International echo for APWORKS support ═══ 10.4. Fman.Hlp ═══ @HELP ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Any command must be on ONE line: it can be more than 80 chars, provided there are no . The commands are case insensitive. can contain wildcards (* and ?). is a single filename. Areas are specified by area-name. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- HELP Gives a brief description of all the commands available to you. @AREAS AREAS Lists all the areas available to you. @FILES FILES Lists all the files in and their descriptions. Example: FILES local.dos FILES UTI @NEWFILES NEWFILES [] Lists the new files in all the areas available to you and their descriptions. You can optionally specify , thus overriding the SysOp specified default. Example: NEWFILES NEWFILES 15 @LOCATE LOCATE Finds all the occurences of in file names and descriptions in all the areas available to you. Example: Locate node @DIR DIR *| [] [] ... In lists all the files specified by and their descriptions in the directory order. If you specify * instead of an area name, all the areas available to you are searched. If you omit all the files are listed. Example: DIR UTI DIR local.node node*.zip nodediff.* DIR * nodelist.* @CONT CONT *| [] [] ... In lists all the files specified by and their descriptions and contents (if they are compressed) in the directory order. If you specify * instead of an area name, all the areas available to you are searched. If you omit all the files are listed. Example: CONT UTI CONT Local.Node node*.zip nodediff.* CONT * nodelist.* @TYPE TYPE [ []] In types . You can optionally specify a "from line" and a number of lines . The file is typed only if it seems to be a text file. Example: Type NODE nodelist.txt Type NODE nodelist.txt 50 Type NODE nodelist.txt 50 150 @HURL HURL [] ... Moves the files specified by and their descriptions from to . Example: Hurl MISC NODE *.zip *.lzh nodelist.txt @EDIT EDIT In sets the description to . Example: Edit Local.Node nodelist.zip Nodelist in zip format @KILL KILL [] ... In deletes the files specified by and their descriptions. Example: Kill MISC *.gif nodelist.txt @KILLTO KILLTO In deletes and all the preceding ones, with their descriptions. The order of deletion is the same as reported by the FILES command. Example: KillTo MISC pippo.gif @TOUCH TOUCH [] ... In sets upload-date to today. Example: Touch UPLOAD *.zip @REN REN In renames to . The wildcards handling is the same as the OS' one. Example: Ren NODE nodelist.* fido????.* @DELAFT DELAFT | In deletes lines starting from lines after or . Example: Delaft NODE nodelist.txt 3 10 Delaft Local.Uti 1 3 The first command deletes 10 lines starting 3 lines after nodelist.txt in area NODE. The second command deletes 3 lines of description starting from the first line of the description file in area Local.Uti. Note: a multi-line file description accounts for ONE line. @ADDAFT ADDAFT | [] In adds starting lines after or . If you omit the text deleted by the last DELAFT command will be added. If there are less than lines, will be added at the end of the description file. Example: Addaft NODE nodelist.txt 1 And now the new files ! Addaft Local.Uti 300 The first command adds " And now..." on the line after nodelist.txt in area NODE. Please note that and are separated by ONE space: all following ones are considered part of . The second command adds the text deleted by the last DELAFT command at the end of the description file of area Local.Uti if it has less than 300 lines; otherwise it adds the text starting on the 300th line. Notes: a multi-line file description accounts for ONE line. @SORTAFT SORTAFT | [] ... In moves the descriptions of [] ... immediately after or in the listed order. Example: Sortaft NODE nodelist.zip nodelist.lzh Sortaft NODE nodelist.lzh nodelist.txt nodelist.prn The first command moves the descriptions of nodelist.zip and nodelist.lzh at the head of the description file. The second command moves the descriptions of nodelist.txt and nodelist.prn after nodelist.lzh in the listed order.